Communicating with words Words are the building blocks of our communication whether we speak them or write them. Words are the means by which other people understand our thoughts and ideas. Without words to express what we want to communicate we become frustrated. The sad thing is we are losing words from our language faster than you think. Do you know why? Archaic words In this animation you will see a number or words that are no longer used or are used rarely. See if you have heard any of them. Drop the terms to the definitions to see if you have a match. Lost words A cartoon character of a roman aristocrat stands bewildered with his sandal undone and the leather thong that would have wound around his leg is tangled around his ankle. He calls; Could somebody come and tie my latchet? The list of rare words in the previous animation was gathered from a random glance through a dictionary published only in 1962 and it only represents half...
Plan ditor Ashtu siç kam premtuar po e shpërndaj një plan ditor të gjuhës angleze që ka për qëllim shkrimin. Por, mund të përdoret për të gjitha gjuhët e huaja që i mësojnë nxënësit e vendit tonë. Pjesa në Gjuhën Shqipe është e hijëzuar. Writing a speech Të shkruajmë një fjalim Topic: English - writing short speech Tema : Gjuhë Angleze- të shkruajmë një fjalim të shkurtë Time: 40 Minutes Koha: 40 minuta Class: 8 (25 Students) Klasa: 8 (deri në 25 nxënës) Lesson Aims: Students can expand their knowledge in writing short speech. Qëllimet e mësimit : Studentët mund të zgjerojnë njohuritë e tyre duke shkruar një fjalim të shkurtë . Lesson objectives: Recognised the format of short speech Practise writing speech based on given context. Objektivat e mësimit: Njohja e formatit të fjalimit të shkurtër Praktikoni të folurit e shkruar bazuar në kontekstin e dhënë. Reso...